Helen Dyson talks about Recovery Near You
Our Director of Justice, Health and Business Development discusses the substance misuse recovery programme on WCRFM Wolverhampton Radio.
Addiction can affect every part of a person’s life and of those around them.
We work with people affected by addiction and substance misuse, supporting them to move forward in their lives. We offer advice and guidance and tailored support, working with them to understand where they want their lives to go. We build steps to get to that place, working on their strengths and ensuring they leave Nacro with the independence and resilience they need to succeed.
A person’s journey to recovery isn’t always straightforward. That’s why we’re with them every step of the way.
We run dedicated recovery services as well as supporting people with substance misuse issues across our services.
Our Recovery Near You service in Wolverhampton delivers a confidential service to anyone in the city worried about substance misuse. The service is run in partnership with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Aquarius.
Wolverhampton360 is a city-wide substance misuse service for young people under 18 years old. We work with other health organisations in Wolverhampton to give practical, down-to-earth support on issues including drugs, drink, health, and life in general.
In the East Riding of Yorkshire our substance misuse services support people on release from police custody, prison or court with a personal recovery plan.
Visit Our work in health to find out more.
Many people across our supported housing services face substance misuse problems. We work with them to offer support dependent on their needs. We also run dedicated housing services for people with substance misuse issues such as our Floating and Community Support – Carmarthenshire, our Doorstop Services in Flintshire and Gwynedd and our Lincolnshire Housing Related Support Partnership.
Visit Our work in housing to find out more.
You can find a full list of our services through our Service Finder.
James self-medicated to cope with his mental health issues. He’d tried to get support before but had been turned away. It was only when he reached crisis point and the police were involved, that he was given the help he needed.
He came to our East Riding NHS partnership, where he was medically supported to detox safely as well as given support to improve his mental health.
“I felt confident giving up alcohol altogether by using healthy coping techniques. It was the help I had needed all along.”
After more than 30 years of unpredictable drugs battles with my son, we discovered Nacro. Almost two years ago my son was fighting a losing battle. Nacro found him just in time. The staff are understanding, non-judgemental and helped both myself and my son way more than I thought anybody could.Service user’s mum
We comment on and campaign around issues that affect people with substance misuse and mental health issues, particularly the interaction with people in contact with the justice system.