Supported Housing & Reintegration - Birmingham | Nacro

Supported Housing & Reintegration – Birmingham


Birmingham, UK

What we do

Our Offender Accommodation Service in Birmingham is a supported housing provision, which consists of 45 units.

Supported accommodation includes all tenants being allocated a support worker, whom they meet with weekly to address their support needs, as outlined in their support plan.

The service works in partnership with Birmingham City Council to upskill tenants to become ‘tenancy ready’, maintain a tenancy and move into independent living. The length of stay is up to two years.

Nacro are signed up to Birmingham City Council’s Charter of Rights


To be eligible a person must:

  • be aged 18 and over
  • have a background of offending
  • have a connection to Birmingham.

How to refer

Referrals are accepted via the below agencies:

Spring Offender Housing and Wellbeing Hub.

We accept direct referrals from the below approved referrers

  1. Nacro – Dynamic Framework
  2. Nacro – Cas2
  3. BSMHT Liaison and Diversion Service

Direct referrers are required to complete the Regional Accommodation Referral Form and send this to: