What we do
Recovery Near You (Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service) is a free, confidential service for anyone in Wolverhampton concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking or drug use.
We work to help people put their drug and alcohol problems behind them, move on to find a job and rebuild their relationships.
Working in both one-to-one and group settings, our staff help people to improve their health and wellbeing. We also offer medical help to prevent blood-borne viruses and run a needle exchange scheme. All of our assessments are free and confidential.
Our fully qualified staff, along with our volunteers and mentors, are trained to help with the full range of problems associated with drugs and alcohol. After addressing any immediate concerns, we work with people to bring about the more permanent changes they want in their lives. We also advise professionals like GPs, pharmacists, social workers and probation officers so that they can work more effectively on drug and alcohol related issues.
For more information on our work go to recoverynearyou.org.uk.
Recovery Near You is for anyone concerned about their, or someone else’s drinking or drug use, who live in the Wolverhampton area.