Lincolnshire NEST | Young People Housing Services | Nacro

Lincolnshire NEST (Nacro Education Support and Transition)


Lincolnshire, UK


What we do

The NEST (Nacro Education Support and Transition) service in Lincolnshire provides accommodation with support to young people aged 16 and 17, and care leavers up to 21. This includes young parents.

The service provides creative and innovative person-centred support packages for each young person. We work alongside them to understand their strengths and ambitions, providing them with positive options and opportunities.

Within Lincolnshire NEST we work with young people with low to intensive needs. We help them to build their confidence, independence and resilience. Where appropriate we support them to return home to their family. Where this is not appropriate we help them to move on to independent living.

Our accommodation includes shared flats/houses, and individual self-contained units.

Nacro provides accommodation in:

  • Lincoln City
  • Boston Borough
  • South Kesteven

We also run a support service for care leavers who are not resident in NEST accommodation.

Partners and funders


How to refer

Referral is through Youth Housing accessed by any of the seven districts in Lincolnshire. No direct referrals.

Email us for more information.

On the day I became homeless, I was very upset and scared. At Nacro I was able to have my own space, it opened up so many options in life and gave me a positive outcome, I was able to work on my relationship with my family and I have that now.
Young person

Download our 2023 impact report

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Video: Our young people's service

Our intensive needs manager, Car, discusses what support the Lincolnshire based service provides to young people.

Seeing the journey that staff and young people take together is incredible at every step of the way, from using the washing machine for the first time to getting into education or employment. It’s amazing to see the young people take an active role in their own support to progress themselves into their future and take all the opportunities available to them.
NEST staff member
As a child, I never really had a place to call my home. We were moving around constantly. Then social services removed me from my family home. The support I’ve received here has really boosted my confidence and made me feel safe.
Young person