Departure Lounge – HMP Doncaster | Nacro

Departure Lounge – HMP Doncaster


HMP & YOI Doncaster, Doncaster, UK


What we do

The Departure Lounge is an innovative service that supports people released from HMP Doncaster. The aim is to provide advice, guidance and support to at least 90 per cent of prisoners immediately on release.

We offer help with accommodation, finances, including benefits, and employment, education and training. This could include:

  • contacting the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • liaising with the council for accommodation support if not previously secured
  • liaising with partners such as probation, drug and mental health teams
  • offering support with travel.

Agencies such as the local drug team and probation officers often attend the Departure Lounge to support on the day of release.

The Departure Lounge also provides provisions for prison leavers, such as a packed lunch for the day of release, food vouchers, mobile phones, clothes and toiletries.

Partners and funders

File:Serco logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons

How to refer

No form referral is needed. Any person leaving HMP Doncaster is encouraged to attend the Departure Lounge and we  work with all individuals on the day of release to provide them with a tailored service to meet their needs.

Nacro Departure lounge image

What people say about Departure Lounge

Hear from our service users and their families:

“I think it’s brilliant what you guys do here.” Family member

“Thank you for everything you do for the prison.” Service user

“You’ve got me on track.” Service user

“The work is inspired.” Visiting professional

“Thank you for everything. You have made me feel a million dollars. Thanks man.” Service user.


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donated clothing for our departure lounge service users

Video: Our Departure Lounge

Hear Departure Lounge staff member, Andrew, discuss the service.

The new ‘departure lounge’ had produced a far better service on the day of release than at the time of our last inspection. [It] included a large number of practical items, mainly donated by large retailers, for the basic needs of those leaving the prison, including food, toiletries and clothing. The two skilled staff, helped by volunteers, were also able to give personal help, such as direct telephone access to statutory housing and benefits teams as well as liaison with community offender managers.
From a report by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons on HMP&YOI Doncaster in March 2022.