Nacro's Community Rehabilitation Service for male 18+

Community Rehabilitation Services

Our social and rehabilitation services supports men aged 18+ on probation or remand in the community.

Our adult rehabilitation services support with housing, finances, and personal wellbeing, aiming to improve emotional wellbeing, prevent homelessness, and promote social inclusion. We currently work in South Yorkshire (Doncaster, Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley), the West Midlands (Birmingham, Black Country, Solihull and Staffordshire), the East Midlands (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire) and the East of England (Hertfordshire, Northampton and Suffolk).

When referred to our adult rehabilitation services, our support worker will meet with you and assess what level of support is required. We usually meet in prisons or at probation services and will devise an action plan with you, which will include one-to-one coaching or small group sessions. Our support workers will help you to plan for your exit from our service to allow transition to independence. Session are 30 minutes to one hour.

We offer different levels of support:

  • Low: Two and a half hours in total.
  • Medium: Five hours in total.
  • High: 10 hours in total.

More sessions are offered if necessary.



We support you with:

  • Housing: Secure new housing and maintain existing tenancies.
  • Finance: Improve financial literacy, reduce debt and arrears, manage day-to-day finances, receive benefit entitlement, and access rent deposit and rent advance schemes.
  • Health and wellbeing: Engage in physical activity and wellbeing activities, engage with statutory services such as alcohol rehabilitation services or addiction rehabilitation services.
  • Employment: Find stable employment and stable income.
  • Support network: Improve relationships with family and friends.
“I believe and honestly can say I wouldn't be where I am now if not for the support and help from the Nacro team, they have helped me see my potential again. With their support I am able to move forward to the next chapter. Nacro has show me there is a life after conviction and that I can make a life for myself."
Community Rehabilitation Service User

How to make a referral

Referrals are made from Probation Practitioners and Prison Pre-Release Teams via the HMPPS Refer and Monitor Portal and Ministry of Justice Referral platform.


Contact for referral enquiries

Get in contact if you have any questions about the referral process.
