Evidence For Ending The Cycle Of Reoffending | Nacro

Nacro’s response to the Justice Committee call for evidence: Rehabilitation and resettlement: Ending the cycle of reoffending


Our response to this inquiry is based on our experience of supporting thousands of people across the criminal justice system (CJS) every year and our commitment to ensuring their voices and experiences are heard.

We support 28,000 people every year across all Nacro’s services. We deliver services across England and Wales in each part of the CJS, from liaison and diversion in police custody and court, support for people on a community order or on release from prison, including advice with accommodation, personal wellbeing and finance, benefits and debt.Β  We deliver the Community Accommodation Service (CAS-2) on behalf of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), housing prison leavers on Home Detention Curfew and those bailed from court in need of an address, as well as a range of supported housing projects for people leaving prison. We run a national criminal records helpline supporting 12,000 individuals and employers annually. We also have experience delivering education in prisons and the youth estate.

We recognise the impact crime has on individuals and communities and we work with people who have committed offences and who are victims of crime. To reduce reoffending, we believe that rehabilitation must be at the heart of an effective CJS.

We have restricted our answers to areas where we have the most knowledge and expertise.


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