Lincolnshire NEST Impact Report 2023 | Nacro

Lincolnshire NEST Impact Report 2023


Nacro have been commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council since 2015 to provide youth housing services to Young People 16-17 years old, including Children in Care, Care Leavers aged up to 21 and Young Parents.

Since 2021, Lincolnshire Nacro Education, Support and Transition (NEST) has supported over 250 young people across the county to reunite them with their families and where this is not an option, NEST have supported young people to take the next step to more independent accommodation with a focus on supporting their transition into adulthood.

In 2023, NEST applied to Ofsted to become a Registered Provider under the Supported Accommodation Regulations (2023) to ensure the service can continue to deliver in the future.

A message from our CEO for Lincolnshire NEST

Lincolnshire NEST is a superb project that supports, empowers and cares for some of the most inspiring but excluded young people in Lincolnshire. The commitment and dedication of our staff, to providing the best possible transition into adult life, is at the heart of the successes we see every day.

That, alongside the long-standing partnership working with agencies across the county, means that we believe this service really is best in class. At Nacro, we are proud of NEST and even more proud of the young people we support.

Campbell Robb

Discover more

Learn more about the impact of our service on young people in Lincolnshire. Download the Lincolnshire NEST impact report for 2023 or learn more about Lincolnshire NEST here.

Download Lincolnshire Impact Report