In 2021 Nacro carried out a survey asking people with experience of the criminal justice system (CJS) and those that provide resettlement support for prison leavers for their views on what the top priorities should be to promote effective resettlement and reduce reoffending. Below are some key findings:
- 96% of resettlement workers said that prison leavers having access to stable accommodation is extremely or very important to prevent offending
- 98% of people with experience of the CJS said it was important or very important to have access to stable accommodation when leaving prison to prevent reoffending
- 100% of resettlement workers said that having access to treatment for drug and/or alcohol misuse was extremely important or very important to prevent reoffending
There was much common ground in terms of what both staff and the people they support think is important to promote rehabilitation and reducing reoffending.
You can read the full results in the briefing