Novus Nacro Partnership
Nacro Chief Executive, Jacob Tas, said:
βWe are delighted to announce the Novus Nacro Partnership which seeks to deliver adult education in prisons. This unique partnership presents an exciting opportunity to deliver high quality education and skills training, which will drive ‘through the gate’ resettlement and help people with convictions to secure wraparound support such as accommodation.
βAt Nacro, we work across the country with people with convictions, who often have complex needs, supporting them to build positive and independent futures. We know that just under half of all adult offenders have no qualifications, therefore access to good quality education and skills training within prison is essential in order for people to find employment and learning opportunities on release. Our partnership will help to stop repeat offending, and equip people with the tools they need to turn their lives around, contributing to safer, more productive local communities and economies.”