Service user involvement
We believe that the people we support should be genuine partners in everything we do, whether that’s shaping the services we deliver, or influencing the campaigns we run.
Life in prison is hard, and it has been getting harder. They are overcrowded, understaffed, falling apart and many people spend up to 23 hours a day locked in their cells. As a result incidents of self-harm, mental health issues, self-inflicted deaths, violence and substance misuse have all risen significantly.
Ensuring that people in prison maintain relationships with their friends and family not only supports better mental health and wellbeing but has been proven to support rehabilitation. You are 39% less likely to reoffend if you have maintained family connections during your time in prison.
Visits aren’t always possible, especially at Christmas, so for most people in prison phone calls are the main way they can keep connected to their family. Phone calls are more expensive in prison than they are in the outside world, and people in prison are paid very little, often as low as Β£10 a week or less. Many people just can’t afford to call their families and loved ones regularly.
Our Justice ExChange, a national forum of Nacro service users who have had contact with the justice system, highlighted this issue as something they had struggled with and see others in prison struggle with, especially over key holidays such as Christmas.
To learn about why keeping connections with people inΒ the outside world is vital for families on the outside and those in prison, not only for their mental heath and wellbeing but to keep them connected to a positive future when they are released.
Christmas is particularly difficult, especially for people with children. There are over 100,000 children spending Christmas with a parent in prison. There are no visits on Christmas Day and most of the day is spent in cells. Being able to speak to loved ones on the phone is one way for people in prison to be able to get through the day, to keep their connection to a positive future on the outside. And for their family and friends on the outside, its a way to connect with the people that they love and ensure they are coping during what can be a really difficult time. That is why we are choosing to highlight this issue at Christmas, though it is a problem all year round.
(Image kindly supplied by finecellwork.co.uk)
Nacro, alongside the Justice ExChange, are calling for changes so people in prison can keep connections with their loved ones. We are calling for: