Supporting women
We understand the importance of dedicated services responding to the needs and experiences of women.
Many of the women we work with have experienced abuse, homelessness, mental health issues, substance misuse issues and poverty. Some have faced significant trauma.
Our staff work holistically with the women we support to understand where they want their lives to go. We help build steps to get to that place, working on their strengths, and helping them to create the futures they want.
Our services
We have several services that work with women in different ways.
Substance misuse
Our Recovery Near You service in Wolverhampton provides dedicated substance misuse services for women. This includes a Women’s Empowerment programme that encourages women to find their voice, and aims to build confidence and foster resilience. The six-week programme includes modules on mental health, budgeting and health eating, and mindfulness and wellbeing.
Teenage and young mothers-to-be
We support teenage and young mothers-to-be to prepare for parenthood. Working out of our Peterborough Education Centre, Peterborough Bumps to Babes is a positive parenting course for teenage mothers-to-be. It includes information, advice and guidance about housing, finances, and child development and behaviour. The course also includes ante-natal classes with an NHS midwifery team. Some parts of the course are suitable for partners.
Supported housing
We run several supported housing projects for women. Our Peterborough and Manchester services work together to provide accommodation and wraparound support to women with complex needs who’ve been caught in the criminal justice system.
Our CAS-2 service across England and Wales provides a women-only service for women on bail or coming out of prison.
An independent evaluation of the Peterborough partnership project found that recall was reduced by 50% for women in the project and that ‘Magistrates considered the project as a robust alternative to prison’. Peterborough Women’s Accommodation Project – An Evaluation, October 2022.
You can find a full list of our services through our Service Finder.

It was really great to have something over the pandemic, we did cooking classes remotely, it meant every week I had something social to do and I got to learn. Now I feel confident going food shopping on a budget, and being able to cook meals for my children that they will eat and will do them good.Service user