Reporting antisocial behaviour
We want people living in our properties and their neighbours to live safely and comfortably in their homes without fear, and to be treated with respect.
Everyone has the right to the quiet enjoyment of their home no matter where they live. We take seriously anything that might prevent you or your neighbours having the quiet enjoyment of your home due to antisocial behaviour (ASB).
What is ASB?
ASB is behaviour that causes (or is capable of causing) harassment, alarm or distress to others. This may be one or a combination of some of the following:
- excessive noise nuisance
- verbal abuse
- hate related incidents
- vandalism and damage
- dogs barking inside or outside the property
- drug and substance misuse
- alcohol related nuisance
- domestic abuse
- physical violence
- prostitution/sexual acts
- harassment
- intimidation
- threatening behaviour
- misuse of communal areas
- cuckooing
- hate crime.
We will not treat matters relating to residents going about their normal everyday activities as ASB, unless it is a breach of their tenancy agreement. Examples of issues which may upset or disturb people, but which cannot be dealt with as ASB are:
- flushing toilets
- cooking smells
- people smoking in their own home
- people talking at normal volume in their home
- machines or other household appliances
- babies crying or playing
- children playing or arguing
- riding skateboards or bikes
- people being inconsiderate or thoughtless
- people looking or staring.
If you have any concerns about this type of behaviour, and would like to speak to someone, you can contact us using our compliments, suggestions, and complaints form.
You can find out more about our ASB policy here.
What can I do if I am experiencing ASB?
Most nuisance behaviour is simply people behaving without any thought or consideration for those around them. This may be a party that is louder or runs on later than the law permits, or music being played at unreasonable times of the night or morning. Sometimes peoples normal living noise can cause individuals a nuisance.
In all these instances it is important that you try to resolve the matter informally:
If possible, try to approach the neighbour causing the problem, politely and respectfully explain to them what they are doing and how that is affecting you and ask them to stop. If you are living in our accommodation and find this difficult tell us and we will walk you through how to do this so that you feel more comfortable about discussing this with your neighbour calmly.
Often people are not aware of the impact they are having on others and once they become aware are willing to change their behaviour. However, please approach the matter carefully if you think they might react angrily to a complaint.
If after giving your neighbour an opportunity to stop the problem persists and you are either living in our accommodation or your nuisance is caused by one of our occupants, then you can contact us to see what can be done under out anti-social behaviour policy.
If this happens at night or you do not feel able to say anything, then either write down what is happening and how you feel or using your phone to record your words about the experience. If it is needed this can be used as evidence to support your issue. But remember you must record you talking about your experience it is illegal to record others without their permission.
If they react angrily or you feel the need for assistance, discuss this with your key worker to agree what actions should be taken, and how to approach your neighbour.
If the incident is serious, and you are fearful for your or other people’s safety, you should call the police immediately. They have powers to intervene immediately but only if it is serious.
Make sure you ask for a log number for your reference. For noise nuisance, you need to make a complaint to your local authority.
For more information on reporting a crime or antisocial behaviour, click here.
Report a Nacro tenant
If you have concerns about antisocial behaviour or neighbour nuisance issues, you can record these on the contact form below: