Further help and support
Taking control of your finances, dealing with debt, creating and sticking to budgets can all be stressful. If you feel you need more support you can try the following organisations.
You can also find lots of advice and resources on our Support Hub.
Call: 0800 58 58 58
Website: www.thecalmzone.net/
CALM is an excellent resource for people who are feeling unable to cope and need someone to talk to.
Call: 0800 144 8848
Website: www.cititzensadvice.org.uk
Information on a range of topics, including finances, debts and benefits.
Call: 0345 330 3030
Website: lgbt.foundation/
Email: Recovery@lgbt.foundation
Support and advice for the LGBT community.
Call: 0300 123 3393 Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm
Website: www.mind.org.uk
Promoting the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Call: 0300 9991212
Website: www.ukna.org
Free support and anonymous meetings for anyone that wants to maintain a drug free recovery and lifestyle.
Call: 116 123
Website: www.samaritans.org
Email: jo@samaritans.org.
Support and advice for anyone struggling with their mental health. A 24-hour service available every day of the year.
Call: 0800 138 1111
Website: www.stepchange.org
Step Change provides advice and guidance on all financial matters.
Call: 0300 1236600
Website: www.talktofrank.com
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Talk to Frank provides confidential help and advice on drugs.
Website: www.turning-point.co.uk/
Help for those with drug or alcohol issues, a mental health concern or a learning disability.