We are a national charity, working with people across our services in justice, housing, education, and health and wellbeing. We see your future, whatever the past.
Every one of our services users are unique. Many have struggled; growing up in care; facing homelessness; failed by the education system or caught up in the tide of the justice system. The challenges we face shape who we are, but our past shouldn’t dictate our future.
We believe that everyone deserves a good education, a safe and secure place to live, a chance to be heard, and the chance to start again, with support from someone on their side.
These policies and statements explain our approach to fulfilling this work.
Register of interest
As part of our commitment to good practice in corporate governance, we maintain a record of potential conflict of interest, relevant to the work of Nacro. Potential conflicts are also declared at the commencement of meetings and recorded in minutes and can be ‘direct’ (an interest of the individual) or ‘indirect’ (arising from an interest of close family).
Trustees are required to:
- Detail information on any transactions involving related parties which potentially require disclosure in the notes to the accounts in accordance with FRS 102 section 33 and the Charities SORP 2015, and identify any other potential conflicts of interest.
- Staff are also required to declare their interests and any gifts and/or hospitality. Each April, we update the declarations made by our executive leadership team and senior staff, noting any gifts and/or hospitality received and any other potential conflicts of interest.
Declaration of interests and corporate governance
The following outlines the interests of our trustees, executive leadership team and senior staff: