Welcoming Department for Education’s amends to disqualification
Nacro welcomes the Department for Education’s (DfE) amended disqualification arrangements, published on 2 July 2018. While we completely support the DfE’s intentions to ensure safeguarding arrangements in schools and childcare settings are as robust as possible, the previous rules were disproportionate, impractical and did nothing to adequately safeguard children. In our response to the consultation launched in May 2016, we highlighted the need to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place that strike the right balance between protecting children from harm, whilst at the same time ensuring the fairness of the arrangements for those providing relevant childcare. We are very pleased to see that the DfE have taken Nacro and wider sector views on board in their response.
If you want to find out more about how the new statutory guidance from DfE regarding amendments to Disqualification under the Child Care Act, taking effect from 31 August, affect you, contact our Resettlement Advice Service on 0300 123 1999 or helpline@nacro.org.uk.
If you are an employer, please contact our dedicated Employer Advice Service on 0845 600 3194 or employeradvice@nacro.org.uk.
To read the DfE guidance, click here.