Responding to launch of Careers Strategy
Nacro Director of Education, Lisa Capper, said:
βWe welcome government commitment and funding to ensure that all schools and colleges will have dedicated careers leaders and improved interactions with the employers, as well as the development of 20 careers hubs across the country. This will enable young people to receive timely advice and much needed preparation for the world of work.
βThe new Careers Strategy provides an important opportunity for the public and private sectors to work closely with the voluntary sector, too. Disadvantaged or disengaged young people very often need to be supported in their first engagement with employers in order for this to be a success. At Nacro, we provide education, training and work placements for 16 to 24 year olds at 18 education centres across the country, which includes a variety of technical study programmes ranging from vehicle mechanics, sport and leisure, to hospitality and catering. Almost two thirds of the young people and adults that have attended our programmes go on to further training, employment, apprenticeships and to university.Β We have seen first-hand how alternative education provision can positively engage young people at risk of becoming NEET.β