Declaration of interests register | Nacro

Declaration of interests register


Our Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for Nacro’s management. They meet frequently to discuss and review our strategy and practice. They hold the senior managers to account and are responsible for the decisions made and direction taken by Nacro. These are voluntary positions.

You can find out more about our Board of Trustees here.

Board of trustees – Register of interests, gifts & hospitality

Updated as at 18.11.2024

No Gifts or Hospitality relevant to roles at Nacro have been received by any trustee

Trustees Declarations of Interest Any conflict of interest?
Amanda Dickens Nacro Trustee N
London & Partners (Trustee)
Obythree Limited (Director)
Capital Enterprise (Trustee)
Anne Frost Nacro Vice Chair of Trustees N
Bishop Grosseteste University (Chair)
National Residential Landlords Association (Non-executive)
Mowbray Education Trust (Chair)
AQA (Trustee)
Felicity Oswald Nacro Trustee N
Farrah Malik Nacro Trustee N
Lynn Emslie Nacro Trustee N
General Optical Council (Advisor)
Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody (Chair)
Economic and Social Research Council (Strategic Advisor)
Maneer Afsar Nacro Trustee N
Melanie Walker Nacro Trustee N
Mian Langellier Nacro Trustee N
FCC Construction (Employee)
Neil Spence Nacro Trustee
Neil Spence Ltd (Director)
Nick Hardwick Nacro Chair of Trustees N
Royal Holloway University of London (Employee)
London Housing Foundation (LHF) (Trustee)
The Middle Temple Charity (Trustee)
Times Crime and Justice Commission
Philippa Oldmeadow Nacro Trustee N
Tabitha Kassem Nacro Trustee N
ResiManagement Limited (Employee)
heylo housing registered provider (Non-executive)